Firstly, I'll explain the sub-title because, apart from the obvious play on my name, there is another reason (or two) why I chose it. When I was at school one of the teachers was always on my side, and said that I was never to worry because 'every Macleod has a silver lining'. Secondly, I do silversmithing and Precious Metal Clay (which is also silver) and the other day I licked my finger when I had some silver clay on it, so I really do literally have a silver lining. Anyway, this is the beginning of my blog and I'm not sure how long I'll do it before I get fed up. It's really more for people who know me, so no need for any of the really personal stuff. Enough to say that, since a serious illness three years ago, I have made the most of life (well, I think I did before actually). Due to not being as agile as I used to be, most of my interests and hobbies are fairly sedentary.
So, to add a bit of interest I'll try and paste in a photo to get me going.
Nearly every year I go to a brilliant craft summer school, and one year I learnt to make wire chandeliers. I chose this because I had already started doing them, but wanted to learn more techniques rather than inventing it all. I had a wonderful time, and have sold quite a few.
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