Friday, 11 February 2011

More clocks!

While making scones for a friend coming to tea (for once they came out nice and risen, usually they look like pancakes) I remembered I hadn't put my latest clocks on the blog - all made from different things -
The 'time for tea' one is on a roofing slate ....

the comics one is papier mache from old comics from a car boot sale....

the sailing boat and fish one is on copper.....
My flat is getting rather full of clocks - though I'm giving the comics one to the grandchildren.

Saturday, 5 February 2011


After the problem with the sauce boat (wonky handle) I got a bit fed up, having to take the handle off (not easy) and think what to do next. Am going to make it a bit thicker by soldering on a length of silver, then re-solder onto sauce boat. In the meantime, while I was sulking, I made a couple of pairs of cufflinks. As you do.


Popped into the Ashmolean as I had a spare half hour - went to the Lucien Pisarro exhibition and it was fascinating, well worth a visit. It had some wonderful books from the Evigny Press.

Drifted through the other areas on my way out.


I have always wanted to learn
how to etch and aquatint, and
at long last this is what I am
doing - six sessions over six
weeks - I've only done two so
far, but it is fascinating. My first
attempt pretty pathetic, might not
even put on blog, but I do enjoy being in the workshop and getting covered in printing ink/paint. There are 8 of us in the class and I think we are all loving it.